Absorbing Cosmic Energy

The book is all about going back to basics that make life possible in the first place.

We are an integral part of the cosmic universe and our body is constantly interacting with cosmic energy fields. When we are fully conscious and attuned to these cosmic energies, we allow our bodies to function in an optimal way.

The sun’s energy sustains life on earth. Every living being, including humans, needs sunlight for the various reasons that make life possible in the first place. The need for vitamin D production through our exposure to sunlight is inarguably one of the most vital considerations for our health. It is an irony that, with modernization, our exposure to sunlight has diminished to the extent that there is a serious concern of vitamin D deficiency, even for people living in tropical countries. Exposure to the full spectrum of sunlight is essential for optimal health.

Attuning to the sound vibrations emanating from our cosmos has a profound impact on every aspect of our life. We are constantly surrounded by different sound frequencies, as everything in the universe vibrates. Since sound travels through air and water, and we are two-thirds water, our bodies are continuously interacting with sound. Awareness of the impact of various sound vibrations on our wellbeing will allow us to either interact with or avoid certain sound energies. Certain music can be very uplifting, whereas certain noises can be damaging.

The earth’s energy is also considered essential for healthy living. We are, in fact, made out of all the foods that grow in the lap of our Mother Earth. Our physical connection with Mother Earth (walking barefoot, for example, also known as “earthing” or “grounding”) is necessary for our wellbeing. However, with modernization our physical contact with earth has become minimal, a major concern as this is now known to have a detrimental impact on our health.

The impact on our wellbeing from planetary forces (sun, moon, planets and the stars) has been well known since ancient times. Astrology is now considered an established science. Many of our biological functions, such as sleep, emotional response and women’s reproductive cycles, are well known to be impacted by the phases of moon, although this impact varies from person to person. It is also well known that the phases of the moon impact water bodies (e.g., ocean tides during a full moon), and since we are composed of two-thirds water, it is easy to see how the moon impacts us as well.

Chapter 3 discusses seven ways to maximize our exposure to the cosmic energies that engulf us. Once we are fully conscious, we can allow our bodies to absorb the energies that pervade everything and make a significant difference in our lives.


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