Optimum Hydration

The book is all about going back to basics that make life possible in the first place.

Optimum hydration is the second essential ingredient, and it has a tremendous impact on our lives. Our physical body contains three-fourths water by weight, and it is critically important that we consume the right kind of water for optimum hydration. This will lead to health, prosperity, and wellbeing. Chapter 2 discusses seven different options for maximizing hydration.

The quality of the water we drink and its associated salt content is important for optimum hydration. With the increase in industrialization, many of the water sources available to us are now contaminated. Consuming low-quality water will have a detrimental impact on our hydration, leading to health challenges that will compromise our wellbeing.

Water is a mysterious entity, it is the only molecule that can exist in three states: solid, liquid and gas. There is now scientific evidence to suggest that water has the ability to store energy, contain memory and form beautiful crystals when exposed to positive environments, thoughts, and emotions. By being conscious of the water we drink, we bring into ourselves the positive energies that emanate from water. It is critical that we develop a deep sense of reverence for water and use it in a highly conscious manner, as the global supply of fresh, clean water is on a sharp decline. Lack of fresh and clean water has the potential to create a major upheaval in the world. Four different levels of hydration are described here based on the type of water we consume and other sources of hydration, along with an associated state of awareness.


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