Customer Comment

Janet Cappuccitti

Want to understand what is really vital for a better life? Read this book!

This is a must read book for anyone interested in truly improving the quality of their lives and getting back in touch with the world around us. Seven Essentials to Transform Your Life is unique in its approach, very comprehensive in its coverage of the subject, concise, insightful and enlightening without being pedantic or preachy. It has something for every type of person, from the highly scientific mind to the spiritual and mystic being. The sheer amount of information and breadth in its 260 pages is staggering yet it is presented in a step by step summary form, easy to read with many references for individuals who want more detailed information on any topic discussed. Everything is exceptionally well researched and presented with great clarity of thought.
Its best feature may be that it is presented simply. You are left with the understanding that the essential ingredients are all intuitively correct. In fact, you find yourself begin to immediately act on the ideas almost subconsciously, as if the book has just reminded you of the way you were meant to live and live well. Even adopting just a few of the suggestions can be accomplished easily and lead to great improvement in your physical and mental well-being. I also appreciated that the book is not a book on deprivation but on a way to live. Although it does point out things that are not necessarily good for you, it is mostly a guide on what you can do and should do in easy to accomplish steps to put you back in tune with nature. There is something for everyone in this philosophy.
This book will leave you with a newfound appreciation that the simple benefits of breathing fresh air, drinking clean water and walking on grass are not only pleasant but therapeutic. Watching sunrises and sunsets are not only romantic but essential to great health. Social Interaction with people and being part of a community are necessary to provide meaning to life. And of course, maintaining our health through proper food, exercise and cleansing is critical for living life well.
For many years, my wife has been trying to get me to drink more water, do more exercise and watch sunrises and sunsets with her. She says it took this book to finally convince me to do these things. She has seen how it changed me. We both hope that this book is destined to be a classic.
Frank Cappuccitti

Aparup Chattopadhyay

Life is essentially built upon the right combination of seven essential ingredients (7i)

This is an excellent book and extremely useful to look life holistically and promote inner wellbeing.
The author describes the power of self-awareness and of bringing consciousness to our everyday living in simple language and self-assessment with four different levels of attributes.

I recommend each and every one to read this book for long term benefits and Vibrant Life.

Dr. V I Lakshmanan

This book makes a delightful reading

Dr Gorain is an innovator and engineer with social consciousness. The book lays down a path to make our lives better. It reminds us that our modern lifestyle has made us sedentary and indoor-bound. Our life has become fragmented, which is affecting our physical and mental health adversely. We need to transform our lives by getting closer to nature. Dr Gorain provides a roadmap consisting of seven essential ingredients (7i) for healthy living. He provides the information on self-assessment on where we stand on each of these ingredients and then provides the guidelines on how to get to the optimum level. This is a thought-provoking book and a must read for anyone wishing to improve their quality of life.

John Jiang

love this book

There are many available books on nutrition and life style. But this is completely different one. It is truly helpful to your healthy life. I would strongly recommend this book.

khaled u.

Secret sauce to success: right combination of 7 ingredients!

Excellent book. Highly recommended.

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