It is ironic that we have spent almost our entire life building a career or profession, hoping that this will transform our life and eventually make us happy. But as we progress in our path, taking senior roles at work, building a family, accumulating wealth, creating and contributing to societal good, yet we feel from deep-inside that something important is missing leading to various degrees of discontent and unhappiness. This has intrigued me during the last 25 years while working and traveling in many counties across five continents. During my interactions with people across the globe, everyone seems to be asking the same question “Why am I still so unhappy, despite a successful career, a wonderful family life along with all material comforts?” My journey to understand the root cause of this unhappiness has been an exciting one. I have compiled my findings into this book which got recently released through Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Indigo. This book is all about sharing what I have learned, so that people who need the help can reap the benefits and live a jubilant and a truly successful life. This book is all about simplifying our lives through consciously focusing on seven essential ingredients (7i) that are fundamental to human living. The aim is to focus on things that actually matter, instead of getting caught up with innumerable mundane things that ultimately lead to misery and lost opportunities. Also let us not allow technology to dominate our lives, rather use technology to enhance our lives. These 7i are so basic to a vibrant living that having even just one out of balance can become a roadblock in the path toward fulfilling a healthy, prosperous and jubilant life. The good news is that if one is fully aware of these imbalances, it becomes possible to rectify them using the simple tools, techniques and methods suggested in this book. The key is to be conscious of these seven elements every day and, if possible, all the time. Let awareness be your guide in everything you do. The more aware you are of everything that actually matters, the better your chances of leading a fulfilling life. This book also provides some measures and benchmarks to assess ourselves daily, which in turn allows us to make necessary lifestyle changes through prioritizing the 7i. With some practice you will realize that this self-assessment is only a journey into higher realms of self-awareness that will allow you to experience life with heightened intensity.